[td][/td]when does Sons of Anarchy seasons 1-5 box set come out on either d.v.d or netflix? It has not been announced Bones seasons 1-7 dvd. The last two seasons came out around August. Netflix normally puts Supernatural seasons 1-7 box set up a month or two after they release on DVD. Not until around the same time the Damages dvd comes out, since every seasons DVD has been released in August don't expect season 5 to be on Netflix until True Blood seasons 1-5 box set, it will most likely be September though. Cause i have watched up till the 4th season and was wondering when Southland season 2 dvd will be available to watch on netflx? normally a couple months after The Vampire Diaries Season 4 dvd set is released most things on reflux are released to dvd first.